Center of Excellence Travel Benefit Program - LOA, Privacy and Licensure information FAQs

Leave of absence, privacy and licensure information FAQ

 At SmartHealth we recognize that addiction is a treatable illness, and we support you in getting the care you need. If you are ready to enter treatment and are worried about how your privacy might be affected, it may be comforting to know that there are laws and programs in place to protect you.

How can I take time off from work?

• You may be eligible for family medical leave (FML), personal leave, short-term disability or reasonable accommodation. For Ascension and AMITA Health associates, visit myHR Leave of Absence Resources to learn about applying for a leave of absence (LOA) or submitting a reasonable accommodation request. Additional policies are available on myHR.

• For SmartHealth dependents who are not employed by Ascension, AMITA Health or Ascension contracted partners, please contact your organization’s HR department for more information on LOA and reasonable accommodation policies.

How do I talk to my leader about taking a leave of absence? Will my colleagues know? Will I lose my license?

• For Ascension and AMITA Health associates, Sedgwick will be your primary contact when determining eligibility and applying for leave. Sedgwick is Ascension’s third party administrator for leave management. For associates taking FML, you can let your supervisor know you’re taking FML without disclosing why. Your reason for taking FML is protected under federal law, and will not be shared with your colleagues.

• For SmartHealth dependents who are not employed by Ascension, AMITA Health or Ascension contracted partners, please contact your HR to learn about your organization’s LOA processes.

Will I lose my license?

• Participation in accredited recovery programs is not reported to licensure boards or employers unless: 1) there has been an incident where substance use has affected work performance, such as narcotic diversion at work; 2) the participant has been convicted of a misdemeanor or felony for illegal drug use or alcohol related offense; or 3) the participant consents for other reasons.

• Most states have licensure protection programs to help physicians, nurses and other healthcare workers enter treatment, restore their health and protect their license. Visit the National Council of State Boards of Nursing and Physician Health Programs (applicable to other licensed professionals) for more information. Details will differ by state, and you can call the treatment center to discuss options.

This material is intended for SmartHealth members only. Please note laws and regulations may vary by state. For general questions on the SmartHealth Center of Excellence Travel Benefit Program for substance use disorder and addiction treatment, visit our SmartHealth COE website.